In response to the recent violence surrounding the "Innocence of Muslims" youtube trailer, Stanford professor Ruth Starkman recently wrote: "Whatever the origins of the riots, they underscore the role of social media as a purveyor of provocation. Indifferently offering equal shares of grotesque bigotry, reasoned debate, enlightened humor and a mind-boggling variety of other responses, social media raise complex questions about freedom of speech in an increasingly global world." Consider Starkman's statements, as well as what you know about the film and its responses. Please comment about 1 or more of the following: Starkmen's post (see link below), international reactions and the "clash of cultures", potential responses or preventive measures for the future, or connections to similar situations at other times, such as the "Qur'an burning" Florida pastor. Your response should be at least 5-6 sentences in length and should directly reference at least one of the links below.
The New York times article linked below provide additional information about the protests
Finally, this link details an interesting Twitter development related to the protests